Sex Memes: 18 Funny Sex Memes That Will Make You Laugh

Have you ever seen a meme that made you laugh out loud? We've found 18 hilarious ones that are sure to have you cracking up. Whether you're in need of a good chuckle or just want to brighten your day, these memes are guaranteed to do the trick. Check them out here and get ready to LOL!

In today's digital age, memes have become a popular way to share funny and relatable content with friends and followers on social media. And when it comes to sex, there's no shortage of hilarious and sometimes NSFW memes that are sure to make you laugh out loud. Whether you're in a long-term relationship, casually dating, or just looking for a good laugh, these 18 funny sex memes are guaranteed to brighten your day.

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Meme 1: The "When You're Trying to Be Sexy but Fail Miserably" Meme

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We've all been there – trying to put on a sexy outfit or strike a seductive pose, only to end up looking more awkward than alluring. This meme perfectly captures that moment of self-consciousness and hilarity, making it a relatable and funny reminder that sex doesn't always have to be serious.

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Meme 2: The "When You Send a Risky Text and Immediately Regret It" Meme

In the age of texting and instant messaging, it's all too easy to send a message that you wish you could take back. This meme captures the feeling of instant regret that comes with sending a risky text, making it a light-hearted and relatable take on the perils of modern communication.

Meme 3: The "Trying to Keep a Straight Face During a Serious Conversation" Meme

Sometimes, the most intimate moments can be interrupted by a fit of laughter at the most inconvenient times. This meme perfectly captures that struggle, making it a funny and endearing reminder that sex is not always as serious as it seems.

Meme 4: The "When You're Trying to Be Sexy but End Up Looking Ridiculous" Meme

Similar to the first meme, this one captures the moments when trying to be sexy goes hilariously wrong. Whether it's a wardrobe malfunction or an awkward attempt at a sexy dance, this meme reminds us that sex is not always glamorous – and that's perfectly okay.

Meme 5: The "When You're Trying to Be Quiet but Fail Miserably" Meme

For anyone who has ever tried to be discreet during an intimate moment, this meme perfectly captures the struggle of trying to keep quiet. Whether it's a creaky bed or a poorly timed noise, this meme is a funny and relatable take on the challenges of maintaining privacy during sex.

Meme 6: The "When You're Feeling Confident but End Up Embarrassing Yourself" Meme

Confidence is sexy, but sometimes it can lead to embarrassing moments that we'd rather forget. This meme captures that feeling of overconfidence and subsequent embarrassment, making it a funny and relatable reminder that sex is not always smooth sailing.

Meme 7: The "When You're Trying to Impress Your Partner but Fail Miserably" Meme

We've all been there – trying to impress our partner with a grand gesture or seductive move, only to have it backfire in the most comical way. This meme perfectly captures that feeling of wanting to impress and falling short, making it a funny and endearing take on the ups and downs of sex.

Meme 8: The "When You're Trying to Be Romantic but End Up Being Awkward" Meme

Romance and sex often go hand in hand, but they can also lead to some awkward moments that are more funny than romantic. This meme captures that feeling of trying to be romantic and falling short, making it a lighthearted and relatable take on the complexities of intimacy.

Meme 9: The "When You're Trying to Be Sexy but End Up Being Silly" Meme

Similar to the previous memes, this one captures the moments when trying to be sexy leads to hilarity instead of seduction. Whether it's a cheesy pickup line or a failed attempt at a romantic gesture, this meme reminds us that sex is not always smooth – and that's perfectly okay.

Meme 10: The "When You're Trying to Keep a Straight Face During a Funny Moment" Meme

Sex can be a serious and intimate experience, but it can also lead to moments of unexpected hilarity. This meme captures the struggle of trying to keep a straight face during a funny moment, making it a lighthearted and relatable take on the lighter side of intimacy.

Meme 11: The "When You're Trying to Keep Your Cool but End Up Laughing Uncontrollably" Meme

Similar to the previous meme, this one captures the moments when trying to keep a straight face leads to uncontrollable laughter. Whether it's a funny comment or an unexpected event, this meme is a funny and relatable reminder that sex is not always as serious as it seems.

Meme 12: The "When You're Trying to Be Sexy but End Up Being Goofy" Meme

This meme captures the moments when trying to be sexy leads to unexpected goofiness instead. Whether it's a silly dance or a playful gesture, this meme reminds us that sex is not always about being serious – and that's perfectly okay.

Meme 13: The "When You're Trying to Keep Your Composure but End Up Being Silly" Meme

Similar to the previous memes, this one captures the moments when trying to be composed leads to unexpected silliness. Whether it's a playful banter or a funny mishap, this meme is a funny and relatable reminder that sex is not always about being perfect.

Meme 14: The "When You're Trying to Be Sexy but End Up Being Awkward" Meme

This meme captures the moments when trying to be sexy leads to unexpected awkwardness instead. Whether it's a clumsy move or a playful tease, this meme reminds us that sex is not always about being smooth – and that's perfectly okay.

Meme 15: The "When You're Trying to Keep a Straight Face During a Funny Moment" Meme

Sex can be a serious and intimate experience, but it can also lead to moments of unexpected hilarity. This meme captures the struggle of trying to keep a straight face during a funny moment, making it a lighthearted and relatable take on the lighter side of intimacy.

Meme 16: The "When You're Trying to Keep Your Cool but End Up Laughing Uncontrollably" Meme

Similar to the previous meme, this one captures the moments when trying to keep a straight face leads to uncontrollable laughter. Whether it's a funny comment or an unexpected event, this meme is a funny and relatable reminder that sex is not always as serious as it seems.

Meme 17: The "When You're Trying to Be Sexy but End Up Being Goofy" Meme

This meme captures the moments when trying to be sexy leads to unexpected goofiness instead. Whether it's a silly dance or a playful gesture, this meme reminds us that sex is not always about being serious – and that's perfectly okay.

Meme 18: The "When You're Trying to Keep Your Composure but End Up Being Silly" Meme

Similar to the previous memes, this one captures the moments when trying to be composed leads to unexpected silliness. Whether it's a playful banter or a funny mishap, this meme is a funny and relatable reminder that sex is not always about being perfect.

In conclusion, sex memes are a fun and lighthearted way to bring humor and relatability to the topic of intimacy. Whether it's poking fun at awkward moments or highlighting the lighter side of sex, these 18 funny sex memes are sure to make you laugh and remind you that sex is not always as serious as it seems. So the next time you're